User Guidelines
IAC provides access to research technology, meeting premises, and associated know-how to promote and support research in the arts and cross-disciplinary art production. Admitted users can initiate and pursue relevant projects of their own at IAC. These user guidelines apply to all users at IAC from 1 July 2023 and onwards.
IAC provides access to venues, technical equipment, hardware and instruments, software and computing power to users’ projects. Data storage and event organizing are the responsibilities of the user. IAC provides practical and technical advice and guidance. Admitted users can book introductions by the artistic coordinators and the technicians. Courses and workshops are organized periodically. IAC can be used for artistic experiments, artistic processing, recordings, meetings, public events etc. Booking of IAC’s facilities and equipment is regulated through an online booking system and access is given after evaluation of the project’s feasibility, purpose, and relevance for the field of artistic knowledge production and exchange. Please note that the application process can take several weeks. Priority will be given to users in the following order:
- Users from FFPA
- Other users from LU
- Alumni from FFPA
- External users
Within these groups, users are prioritized in order of academic rank and degree.
IAC follows the semester periods of the university1 and larger projects must be planned many months in advance. At least six weeks before starting a new experiment/study/consultation/production/presentation at IAC (including MA and PhD projects), all users (even experienced ones) must establish contact with the Operations Coordinator at IAC so that all aspects are discussed. This is especially critical if grants and other funding applications refer to IAC. It is important that IAC can ensure maximum accessibility for different projects running in parallel, and to ensure that all users have the necessary expertise.
All projects must have an assigned Project Responsible who is responsible for a submitted project application and a user agreement. Each project should have one user agreement form, signed jointly by the Project Responsible and the IAC directorship. As the contact person of the project, the Project Responsible is required to make sure that all participants in a project have the necessary information about the user guidelines and practicalities at IAC.
The Project Responsible is ultimately responsible for project design, documentation and data collection, analyses, and compliance with good ethical practice (see below). IAC staff can assist with these issues but is not responsible for the research or the artistic practice conducted within the project. The equipment at IAC is expensive and sensitive and must be handled with care. It is crucial that all users have the required practical expertise. Initial consulting meetings will help to provide the participants with further information and training if necessary, and users are required to develop the needed skills.
The Project Responsible is in charge of data management, that is, the storage, backup, and long-term archiving of research data and documentation. The project title and the short project description in the application form is made publicly available in the IAC project database. Users are expected to mention IAC in the acknowledgements in any ensuing publication or presentation alongside funders using the following formulation: “The author(s)/artist(s) gratefully acknowledge(s) Inter Arts Center at Lund University”. Wherever possible, they should also list IAC in Lund University research database (LUCRIS).
Admittance of external users (except participants in partner projects and visiting programs) with projects that do not involve articulated research activities, cross-disciplinary exploration, or collaborations with LU users is subject to availability and such users are required to pay a rental fee for access to venues and equipment. After finishing a project, project participants are encouraged to share short reports and reflections on their processes and products on the IAC website.
Research conducted at IAC must comply with good research practice following the recommendations from the Swedish Research Council (CODEX, and Lund University Ethics Guidelines ( Studies on human subjects may need approval from the Ethical Review Board ( A fee is in that case charged for each application to be paid by the user, not by the IAC.

Project request
Find out more about how you can carry out a project at IAC.