Lars Kynde / More Sound Residency
6 January to 6 February 2025
At IAC, I will explore how a magnetic field can deform the harmonics of metal instruments and strings - a kind of magnetic "tuning peg" that can tune harmonic series inharmonically and vice versa.
I hope to find a physical model for the relationship between magnetic field and spectrum. If successful, I see a poetic potential in the instrument adapting fluidly, like a chameleon, to the world it encounters. While documenting simple experimental setups, I will write etudes for each of the possibilities that open up.
Lars has been working together with other artists in many different types of hierarchical structures. He finds it interesting how the choice of collaboration method formulates the artistic outcome, and how these choices reflect social relations and hierarchical patterns in society. In the same way, he believes that choice of instruments and musical hierarchies are cardinal to the artistic outcome. This notion has led him to design and build new mechanical and electro-mechanical instruments and work on new systems of musical notation.
Visit Lars Kynde's artist page -
Visit the Faculty of Senses -
Read more about the More Sound Residency here.