Guidelines for the Inter Arts Center
IAC operates in establishment periods of three years with guidelines that are revised and renewed for each period. The Faculty Board at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts makes the decisions about the regulations, operational plans, budgets, and annual reports for IAC.
Excerpts from the guidelines decided by the faculty board (STYR 2023/1040):
As a research infrastructure, IAC is intended to be a centre and resource for artistic research and research in music education, artistic development work and doctoral education at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts at Lund University, thereby contributing to the development of the research culture at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts.
IAC is also intended to be a platform for contacts between the faculty's research and the rest of the university as well as the surrounding society. Research and encounters in interdisciplinary contexts related to the artistic field will be prioritized.
IAC's mission as the Faculty's research infrastructure is to – in an active collaboration with the institutions of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts:
- provide a common environment and support for the Faculty's research, development work and research education,
- promote the integration of the Faculty's research with postgraduate and undergraduate programmes,
- promote and facilitate projects and activities that include and concern the Faculty's research, development work and research education, especially in interdisciplinary contexts,
- be a resource and platform for making available and communicating the Faculty's research, development work and research education as well as interdisciplinary activities,
- encourage and support preparatory and developmental approaches to research among faculty members, students and alumni,
- provide and develop technologies relevant to the contemporary fields of the arts and music education, and support the technological skills and knowledge of artists and pedagogues,
- collaborate with partners within and outside Lund University that can favor research and development work in the fields of artistic research and research in music education,
- design, test and evaluate infrastructural measures aimed at strengthening support for research, research education and the research culture within the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts in the run-up to the planned co-localization,
- strive to ensure that research, development work and interdisciplinary activities at IAC are partly financed by external funds.

Download the Annual Report for 2023 here!
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