Luc Ferrari, Far West News part III. Performer: Alessandro Perini / INTONAL 2024

FAR-WEST NEWS No. 3 (June 1999) – (28′)
September 25 to 30, 1998
from Prescott to Los Angeles
Far-West News 3
“Prescott looks a bit like a European city. There’s a street life and there are even people walking around, some with piercing. The contacts here are easier than in Paris where a look in the eye is taken as a sign of aggression. All around there is desert; not the slightest sign of the ocean on the horizon.
We see more and more of Monica on TV and she keeps getting fatter and fatter. I find myself thinking that if I were her I wouldn’t wear shorts and the next day there she is in shorts. Clinton looks drawn and tired. I guess we’re in for some air strikes soon.
I’ve got used to the desert; a car every hour suits me fine.
When we reach Los Angeles I’m scared stiff. There are cars all over the place. We turn off at the beginning of Welshire Boulevard; the hotel is at the other end but at least we’re heading in the right direction. An hour later we’re still driving.
From certain characteristic signs, it is clear that we’re back in civilization. There are buildings, houses that are not on wheels, even men wearing suits, elegant women wearing makeup, and a piano bar with post-modern music. Friends take us for some wild nights in LA.
I continue my recordings
I’ll be going to the end of the voyage.”
Luc Ferrari (Read more about the “Far-West-News” here – lucferrari.com)
Alessandro Perini
Alessandro’s very broad artistic production ranges from instrumental and electronic music to audiovisual and light-based works, net-art, land-art, vibration-based works and custom-built machines. He has studied Composition (with Luca Francesconi and Ivan Fedele among others), Electronic Music and Science of Musical Communication in Italy and Sweden. In 2014 Alessandro started a research about vibration and tactile sound, called ‘touchmysound’, including projects at the Darmstadt Ferienkurse and residencies at Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Italy) and Park In Progress (Belgium).
Visit Alessandro Perini’s artist page – alessandroperini.com
About the event
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Black Room)
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se