“Du Contrat Social” by Teatr Weimar

Welcome to the performance “Du Contrat Social” by Teatr Weimar.
Dates: 9–10 & 12–13 April, at 19:00
“Du Contrat Social” is a theatre performance where you as an audience have the opportunity to reflect and discuss together the contract that is said to hold society together. We ask what is required of us as citizens to be part of a social community and whether there are things, we can do to achieve a fairer society. Does the social contract perhaps need to be renewed?
Artistic concept: Sima Nurali Wolgast and Jörgen Dahlqvist.
Participants: Sima Nurali Wolgast and (video) Henry Stiglund.
If you are interested in attending, book tickets for the performance by sending an email to teatrweimar [at] gmail [dot] com stating the day you wish to attend and your name and email address if you wish to book for multiple performances.
As an audience member, you will be part of the psychological study "Perspective taking in groups" where we investigate how theatre affects and creates meaning. You will be asked to fill in questionnaires before and after the performance.
About the event
Inter Arts Center, VR/Sound Lab, 4th floor, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö
Free admission
In Swedish
teatrweimar [at] gmail [dot] com