Malmö Gallery Weekend 2024: Open house at IAC

Welcome to the open house at IAC with participatory performances, game-related artworks and artistic research projects!
Opening hours:
Gallery Weekend: 27–29 September: Fri, 18:00–23:00, Sat–Sun, 13:00–17:00
Extra opening hours: 30 September to 3 October: Mon & Thu, 13:00–17:00, Tue & Wed, 13:00–18:00
See the detailed programme and information about the artists here
The exhibition consists of two parts: One focuses on the intersection of games and various forms of artistic expression, showcasing the first public outcomes of the exploratory lecture and workshop project 1, 2, 3 Playtime, which began in autumn 2023 in collaboration with IAC and Region Skåne. This initiative has brought together artists from different fields and heritage professionals to explore and develop game-based art as form and critical reflection.
The project follows three main lines: Art through Games and Gamified Art Experiences / Robot relationships and Anthropomorphism in Art / World Building and the possibilities of Digital Art.
Visitors can look forward to interactive performance projects such as ‘building art with Lego’, participating in a full karaoke musical, singing with the support of an EPI robot, interacting with a very well-meaning chatbot, experiencing immersive audio and mixed reality installations as well as text and video works.
The second part consists of the exposition by Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir as part of her doctoral project How Little is Enough? Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters at the Malmö Theatre Academy. Önnudóttir is researching the possibilities of developing theatre as a counterforce to destructive, materialistic tendencies in society and as a catalyst for rethinking life values. Photos, texts, videos, audio, manuscripts and the published dissertation itself are displayed on IAC's research platform in the café and other venues.
Read more about Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir's expostition as part of her PhD defence here.
Participants 1, 2, 3 Playtime: Freja Andersson / Emma Bexell / Amy Boulton / Fredrik Degrér / Sophia Ioannou Gjerding / Marika Hedemyr / Anastasiya Loyko / Nicklas Lundberg / Inês Sério / Alison Thomas / Anabela Veloso
Installations, films, videos and games at different IAC venues.
Special programme:
Fri, 27 September
19:00 and 22:00
Emotional Support Karaoke Bot (30–45min). Amy Boulton, Nicklas Lundberg and Inês Sério. As your body double duet partner, the Emotional Support Karaoke bot helps overcome karaoke stage fright one step at a time. Choose a level of difficulty to start your session with easy medium or hard. Location: Red Room
Sat, 28 September (13:00–17:00)
13:30 and 16:15 Emotional Support Karaoke Bot (30–45min). Location: Red Room
15:00–16:00 With the wind in our hair / Med vind i håret. Marika Hedemyr. Meet Marika at Mandelparken (at the circle area located between Babel and St:Knuts Torg) for a mixed reality experience.
Sun, 29 September (13:00–17:00)
13:00–14:15 Bygga Fri Scenkonst i Lego. Emma Bexell. 75 min. Location: Red Room. Limited number of places. Please register here!
15:00–16:00 Med Vind i Håret. Marika Hedemyr. Location: Mandelparken
Mon, 30 September (13:00–17:00)
15:00–16:15 Bygga Fri Scenkonst i Lego. Emma Bexell. 75 min. Location: Red Room. Limited number of places. Please register here!
15:00–16:00 Med Vind i Håret. Marika Hedemyr. Location: Mandelparken
Tue, 1 October (13:00–18:00)
15:00–16:00 Med Vind i Håret. Marika Hedemyr. Location: Mandelparken
Wed, 2 October (13:00–18:00)
15:00–16:00 Med Vind i Håret. Marika Hedemyr. Location: Mandelparken
Thu, 3 October (13:00–17:00)
15:00–16:00 Med Vind i Håret. Marika Hedemyr. Location: Mandelparken
Read more about the open house at IAC | Malmö Gallery Weekend
Read more about the 1, 2, 3 Playtime project here.
Afterparty for artists and friends at Inkonst!
About the event
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö
Free admission
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se